Saturday, March 31, 2012

Holy Week

Last year, I had planned to write a series "A Walk Through Holy Week" that took us on a journey of Jesus' last week before He died on the cross.  I only wrote a couple of posts, but I want to finish the series this year.

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday- the beginning of Holy Week.  Holy Week is the week preceding the celebration of Easter.  Holy Week is a special time for the Christian faith, it is a time to reflect and remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for our sins.  We have spent the last 40 days in the season of lent, and this week culminates the journey to the cross. 

4 years ago, my mom and I visited Israel and my view on the happenings of Scripture were forever changed.  I walked where Jesus walked, I saw the city over which He cried, I stood in the tomb where He may have lay.  This week, I’d like for you to walk with me through the Holy Land and see first hand where Jesus went and what He did the week before He died.  

Let's prepare our hearts and minds for the coming day of joy of Easter together as we walk through Holy Week.  

Monday, March 26, 2012


Have you joined Recyclebank?  It is an online community that promotes taking everyday green actions.  You are rewarded for "green" activities as well as for watching short video clips, taking short quizzes, and other small little tasks.

I have been a member for about a year, and have really enjoyed the benefits and rewards I've received.  I love the free magazines you can get for only 150 points!  I have gotten FREE one year subscriptions to Better Homes and Garden, Martha Stewart Living, Whole Living, and Good Housekeeping from Recyclebank.

You can also use your points to print coupons.  I love the $2 off one Kashi product coupon- I can get Kashi cereal for around $1 when combining the coupon with a sale.  You can have coupons mailed to you as well for restaurants, etc.

My area does not offer the points for recycling and yet I still am able to earn enough points to get plenty of free rewards!  I highly suggest you join if you are not a member!

Note: This post contains my referral code for Recyclebank.  

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Enjoying Spring

I am enjoying a lovely spring day today!  It feel so wonderful sitting on the porch basking in the sunshine, and reading my new Better Homes and Garden magazine that came in the mail today.

It has been a wonderful weekend so far- yesterday was my birthday and Jeremy and I took a trip to Spartanburg, SC to eat at Chipotle- my favorite!  We also grabbed a couple of blizzards at DQ to celebrate.  I got several sweet cards in the mail from friends, family, and loved ones.    I've been so blessed.  Days like today help you to appreciate the beauty of life

Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's In the Works

I've been meeting and dreaming and planning and praying for this new ministry lately.  It's only in the baby stages and no where near launching, but I'm so excited for what the Lord has in store for this new women's ministry!  Would you join with me in prayer over the planning and prep needed to make it a success?

Saturday, March 3, 2012

March Monthly Goals {Free Printable}

You can download a copy of my monthly goals worksheet for the month of March here.


I have been very pleased with how much writing out my monthly goals have helped me stay on track.  I can say that I have been able to accomplish some things that I doubt I would otherwise.  I am hoping to break down my monthly goals into weekly goals this month to keep me even more on track.

How are your yearly goals and resolutions coming?
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