Monday, August 8, 2011


My plans become too final in my head.  I plan and dream and hope, and in my head it somehow crosses the line of hopeful and enters the land of concrete.  I'm learning one step and one day at a time that doing so too often leads to disappointment.

How many times does the Lord have to teach me to trust in His plans, not mine?

Today I headed back to a post I wrote six months ago, and was reminded that we shouldn't write out the plans of our life in Sharpie, but in pencil.  

Jesus, teach me to be an open page who readily accepts the plans you erase to write anew.


  1. It's a blog, yeah. But I promise not to tell you what I ate for dinner. Unless it was something really disgusting.

  2. Disappointment is a subjective response related to the anticipated rewards. The psychological results of disappointment vary greatly among individuals.

  3. The size of your success is measured on the strength of your desire, the size of your dream and how you handle disappointment along the path.

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