I am blessed to still be friends with so many people that I was friends with in my childhood. I met Staci when I was in kindergarten. We’ve been friends ever since. Her birthday party when we were in kindergarten was the first sleepover I ever went to. Here are some pictures from that sleepover :) Can you tell which one is me? Staci is the one with the Snow White shirt. :)
Staci is the one is the pink in the picture below. From left to right: Brittany, me, Staci, Heather, and Haley.
I’m still super close with Staci, Heather, and Haley. I love that we have been friends for so long!
Staci is married and all grown up now and lives in Illinois (really close to where Jeremy is from actually). She and her husband Mark just had their first baby 6 weeks ago. Me, Heather, and Haley were so excited to get to go and see sweet baby James last night for the first time!
Me holding him- he kept smiling and we were trying to get a picture of it :)
Heather with James, she and her husband Miles are expecting a son in September!
Staci with a couple of cute things Haley brought her.
Haley is holding James in the picture below. Here is Haley with baby J!
I’m holding him in this one, but I don’t have a good shot of the two of us. I’ll have to add more photos when Haley sends me some of hers.
We love you Staci and baby James- it was so sweet to finally meet you!
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