Friday, October 29, 2010

Pumpkin Day!

Jeremy and I had a "pumpkin day" today and we had such a good time.  To start the day off, we went to Daybreak Restaurant here in Lynchburg and had pumpkin pancakes!  One of my favorite things about fall is pumpkin pancakes. 

After pancakes, we headed to a nearby nursery to pick up a pumpkin.  There were lots of different colors and varieties of pumpkins and gourds.  Here are a few of my favorites...

The gourds below are called snake gourds- they were so long and twisty!

The knucklehead pumpkins reminded me of my daddy- he always calls people "knuckleheads" :)

Later tonight we came to my apartment and carved my pumpkin that I bought- I decided to do a lighthouse jack-o-lantern.  I couldn't find a printable stencil online so we free handed it.  Not sure that anybody else could tell that it is a lighthouse, but I like it! :) 

We roasted the pumpkin seeds...yummy yummy, and then made pumpkin muffins!  I'll post tomorrow with the recipe, they are fantastic and moist. 

Loved spending time with my husband-to-be, and loved the pumpkin themed day!


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