Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Bold and Beautiful Blog Review


I stumbled upon this great link tonight and these wonderful ladies are hosting a blog review.  Visit Gail and Megan and join in on this party!

I haven't been at this blog thing long, so I would love to have some feedback on what I could be doing better and what is working so far.  Feel free to join in- are there any issues you see with my blog that I could change to make it easier to navigate, post comments, etc? What do you like about my blog?  I appreciate any and all constructive criticism and encouragement!


  1. That's a fantastic idea, thanks for sharing.

    Lisa x

  2. Hi Cortney!
    popping in via the blog hop!
    really nice little blog you've got here.. great job! & great projects~! {new follower!}
    hope to see ya around my random neighborhood sometime! :)
    many blessings,

  3. I really like your header (picture) and the title of your blog.
    I would love to see you change your settings so that more posts are on each page. I'm not a big fan of "older posts" :)
    I recommend to everyone that they have their links open in a new window, which helps your visitors not get lost, searching for you with their "back" button.
    I love your layout, your blog is easy to navigate, and you have great pictures and really nice content!
    I have a great post going up tomorrow for new bloggers.
    keep up the great work!

  4. Hi there- in from the blog hop. You have a lovely place here:) I really like your header/blog title, so romantic. I like your profile up top, it really explains exactly what is going on here. I also like the linkwithin.

    Really, I can't think of a thing to say!

  5. Wow my dear...I love the simplicity and the colors of your little corner...I think it all adds up to perfection. I am pleased with how delicate your layout is and it is so user friendly. I think you have the perfect foundation for a lovely suggestions here...I think the only thing waiting you is just the arrival of more new friends. Have a delightful Sunday.



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