Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Lessons fom Ruth Bell Graham- Part 2

Yesterday I shared some lessons from "It's My Turn" by Ruth Bell Graham, the wife of Billy Graham.  Today I wanted to finish sharing some quotes from the book that really stood out to me.  Hopefully they will encourage and challenge you as well. 

"After my first date with Bill, I knelt and said, 'If You let me share his life, I'll consider it the greatest privilege in the world'."

"Don't feel greedy if you want him home all the time (likely as not, you won't have him all the time).  And don't feel guilty if on occasion you're glad to see him go.  He's probably secretly glad too.  Not for keeps, you understand- just for a breather.  It's what Kahlil Gibran refers to when he says, 'Let there be spaces in your togetherness.'

"Every mother should have at least one Christmas baby. It makes one feel very close to Mary."

"Self indulgence is doing what we want rather than what we ought.  I had always thought of self-control applying to temper or to drink.  But what about the almonds in the pantry, the ice cream and chocolate sauce, the candy which I know will add unnecessary pounds and make my face break out?  What about controlling my tongue?  My tone of voice?  Standing up straight? Writing letters?  All these and many more need controlling."

"If only God will enable me to tend to the possible, depending on Him for the impossible"

"The home should be a place of quiet peacefulness.  This responsibility falls squarely on the mother's shoulders.  Uncomfortably, whenever Proverbs speaks of nagging, it is the woman to whom Solomon is referring.  There is no way around it.  The woman creates the atmosphere of the home."

"Perhaps it could also be said, 'A good mother is one who makes it easy for a child to be good'".

"I have but one desire for Bill, for our children, and for myself, that we be men and women of God.  I lie awake nights loathing myself for the person I am, fearful and worried that I cannot bring up this family as I should.  And I can't.  I am a weak, lazy, indifferent character casual where I should be concerned, concerned where I should be carefree; self indulgent, hypocritical, begging God to help me when I am hardly willing to lift a finger for myself; quarrelsome where I should be silent, silent where I should be outspoken; vacillating, easily distracted and sidetracked...  All that I am not, He is; all that I am and should not be, He forgives and covers."

"Never let a single day pass without saying an encouraging word to each child.  Particularly wherever you have noticed any- even the slightest- improvement on some weak point.  Some point at which you have been picking and criticizing.  And never fail to pass on any nice thing you have heard said about anyone, to that child."

"Quit studying the problems and start studying the promises"

"I learned that worship and worry cannot live in the same heart.  They are mutually exclusive"

"I have started many a day with [the] simple prayer, 'Lord, what can I do to help You today?"

"For me, spiritual dryness usually follows an extremely busy period.  air must be still for dew to fall, and I was anything but still"

"It could be merely a piece of plywood stretched cross two sawhorses. But have a special place for Bible study that doesn't have to be shared with sewing or letter writing or the paying of bills."

"When we were in school, we always kept a notebook handy to take notes on the professor's lecture.  How much more important is it to take notes when God is teaching us"

"If a busy housewife has to clear off a spot for Bible study during a crowded day, she is likely to put it off.  But if she has a place where he Bible is always open and handy, whenever there is a lull in the storm she can grab a cup of coffee and sit down for a few minutes or more of pure refreshment and companionship"

"Buildings fall into decay and eventually disappear.  The transformed life goes on forever."


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